Tomorrow’s Seating Solutions

Contact Starena

Compliance Certificates – Places of Public Assembly – Class 9 Building – Theatres, Auditorium, Multipurpose, Sports Venues Fixed & Retractable Seating

Subject to the design and fire engineered solution of the building, including fire sprinkler suppression systems and other design considerations, as set out in the technical specifications.

All components of seating must be compliant to NCC Clause 7 - Other Materials Sub Clause Cl:10 Materials and Assemblies in a Class 2-9 building inclusive of any part of fixed or retractable seating in the audience arena or auditorium. The NCC then goes on to clearly state that the testing of the above must comply with AS1530:3 BCA Sub Clause Specification A2.4 Fire Hazard Properties, Sub Clause 2.2A form of test.

Any part of a seat must achieve a spread of flame index and smoke developed index not exceeding O & 5 respectively.

The Components: (Individual test certificates for each component are required to ensure compliance, unless individual non-compliance by a certified engineer is provided.}

  • Seat Plastics Base
  • Seat Plastics Back
  • Seat Timber Components
  • Seat Foam
  • Seat Fabric
  • Seat Vinyl
  • Timber Platform
  • Carpet

It is the responsibility of the Specifier, the Head Contractor and the OEM supplier to ensure that test certificates are supplied by an accredited Australian Test Laboratory.

Test Certificates to international standards, such as BS5852, do not supersede NCC Clause 7 and AS1530:3 Spread of Flame and Smoke Developed Indexes.

Please click here to view Compliance test certificates